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Resolved! Adobe Acrobat with license key

Good day.I am looking for help with a report that will show what computers have Adobe Acrobat, but not reader. I also need to see the Asset name, software, version, domain, Username, IP address, IP Location, Manufacturer, Model, Adobe Acrobat

JTempleton by Engaged Sweeper III
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Duplicate Assets in Software Report

I am trying to create a report that what computers do have Solarwinds Agent installed. The report runs fine, but it shows duplicate entries for every computer. Here is my code.Select Distinct Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID As AssetID1, tblAssets.As...

List machines seeing event id

I am by no means a sql programmer and am looking for help generating a report or two. Our system is seeing many machines posting similar events in the Windows System Log, all having the same event id. I am looking to generate a list of all the mach...

Windows Disk Space Report - Only for SAN Attached Drives

Hello-Was trying to create a report that would show the following, but only for SAN Attached Disk (Not local disk drives):ServerName, Domain, Drive Letter, TotalMB, UsedMB, FreeMB, TypeofSANDisk(tblFloppy.Model)I have a report that I am playing with,...

MikeM by Engaged Sweeper
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Installed Software Report & Version

Hi, I'd like to make a report to list of all assets that meet a certain criteria as selected by this report below:Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, tblAssets.Username, tblAssets.IPAddress, tblAssets.Memory, tblAssets.Pro...

jfitz0 by Engaged Sweeper
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VM Guest Report with the Guest IP Address

I saw the VMWARE: Virtual Guest Machines report, and was curious on how I could get the ip address of EACH guest in the report. The ip address in the report is the address of the ESX host.Any idea would be appreciated.

BS by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Weekly report comparison

Hi all,We have configured the Lansweeper report in our network on weekly basis and it will send the reports automatically on weekly basis.This reports includes the columns softwareName, SoftwarePublisher,softwareVersion, Install date, Last changed, ...

nijonv by Engaged Sweeper
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