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Resolved! Report to include manually added assets

I would like some help creating a report to include manually added assets (Not scanned). We have created a report with all of the criteria we want but, are unable to include any assets that were manually added and not scanned on the network. The ma...

jccrego by Engaged Sweeper II
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Filter machines only online for more than X days

This might seem like a strange request, but is there a way to filter only machines that have a last seen date of less than X days ago (I know how to do this part), but also have been "online" for more than X days.The issue is that we have machines th...

laurin1 by Engaged Sweeper III
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Help with Report with Static Group

Trying to make a custom report where I can view the users' log-in time and users' PC uptime from a Static Group.Needs:1. Select From custom Static Group2. Have User LastLogon3. Have Asset uptimeSinceLastRebootI cannot find a way to combine the LastLo...

akira by Engaged Sweeper II
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Computers/Systems with no Anti-Virus Installed

I have written queries that are returning all systems with anti virus and I have written one that shows all systems without anti virus. When I add the two together, I get way more endpoints than I should have. I believe the query for those with Anti-...

smozie by Engaged Sweeper
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A count of repeat lockouts

Is there a way to run a report to get a string of a subject line, then drill down further into the body of the ticket to a specific string, run a loop to "read" a string and output that string with a count next to it?I get a blanket user lockout emai...

jkrelic by Champion Sweeper
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Windows Logs>Application

Hi,I have problems seeing EventID 12294 from Security-SPP.It's for KMS publishing itself to DNS.It is not from unsupported Applications and Services logs, it's not even there.It is located in Windows logs > Application.Log Name: ApplicationSource:Sec...

MikW by Engaged Sweeper II
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Syntax for showing drive C only

Can somebody give me the command in a report so that only drive C shows up? For example, in the report about low disk space, how do I make it only show me drive C? I think this is the line for the drive letter?tblDiskdrives.CaptionAnother example w...

Todd by Engaged Sweeper III
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