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Resolved! Users in a specific Active Directory Group

I need to keep an eye on what users are in a specific active directory group which is security sensitive. I would like to create a report that i can add to my dashboard so that i see it when i log in. I looked through the reports section but didn't s...

malbanese1 by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Modify Asset Page

Hello,I'd like to include the connection information on the asset page. By asset page I mean the grid of asset information you are presented when you click on an asset type or an IP location. For example, I'd like to include the asset connection info...

rog1039 by Engaged Sweeper
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Inventory report custom

Hello,I'm trying to build a report.. but I have some issues like double rows for computers with two monitors or two Microsoft Office versions. I would like to create a new column for second monitor and second Microsoft Office software, also in my rep...

laurentiun by Engaged Sweeper III
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Can't get 'Not Like' to work

I've got the report as below. I'm trying to exclude devices that contain 'LAPTOP' or 'TABLET' within their name however they're still showing up in the report - not sure what I'm missing. Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, P...

Resolved! other scanning errors report

Hello,I want to move/change the columns in the "Other scanning errors" report.How can I do that??Thanks!

iova by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Informationreport

Hey! I'm trying to make a report that shows the following: AssetName, Model, Manufacturer, SerialNumber, SystemSKU, Description (from AD) and Last Login (Displayname). The problem is that it does not show MAC computers when Description and Displaynam...

Exclude information off switch

Hello , first sorry for my english, is very limit I have switchs dell N2024 , and the problems is after scan asset, i need exclude the port information .It this possible?

Custom Report for Outdated BIOS based on Model

Issues creating report for outdated BIOS version based on model and Bios version I set as the approved one. I just have one computer model listed as a test. Computer Model: Latitude E5540Approved Current BIOS Version: A21If BIOS version scanned is lo...

JTZRFB by Engaged Sweeper
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