My SQL knowledge is limited and I'm asking for help modifying the built in report "Software: Changes in the last 24 hours". We would like to add a field for the software location on the machine. We work in a Citrix environment and standard users do...
Please I'm new to lansweeper and seeking assistant with a report showing Microsoft Office standard and professional on all domain computers and laptop.
Hello,I've been trying to get a report showing below columns (from 3 different custom fields).[size=3]When I was using 2 custom fields, it worked. When I tried to input a third one, I failed... I now have double information per custom fields, so inst...
I am performing two scans for the existence of a file at two different locations. Depending on the version of software installed the file can exist at location A, location B or both. When I create a report to identify the PCs where the FileVersions...
Hello,I'm looking to build a report for PCs that have .NET Framework 4.5.2 or higher installed. In my research, I've determined that the registry key name is "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full" and has a key labele...
Hello,I am trying to generate a report to list all devices with latest .NETFramework. I don't work directly on SQL Queries much, and from past one day I am trying to figure out how to add a column that can give me the highest/latest .NETFramework Sof...
Hi, I am after some help I would like to add an extra column to the below report showing the user Id for any current relationships they have to that asset. I am trying to work though our existing assets to determine which assets do not have relations...