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Resolved! Bitlocker report

Sorry if this has already been covered- but any suggestions on creating a report in lansweeper that shows me all the machines that do not have bitlocker enabled? I guess I mean all the laptops; machines with a TPM chip- they are named in the conventi...

Resolved! Computer list and autorun

Hello,In our company we encrypt all laptops with trend micro encryption software.We want know how many device don't have trend micro encryption running, I tried to make query that show list with computers that don't have encryption software running. ...

jmichiels by Engaged Sweeper III
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Resolved! From User Group to list of PCs

I've tried linking various tables together for something else for a report before (don't have it anymore) and I couldn't make it work.I'd like to be able to take an AD group of users and deploy a package to their last-logged in PCs. I can deploy a pa...

Resolved! Event ID Report

Select Top 1000000 tsysOS.Image As icon, tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, tblAssets.Domain, tblAssets.IPAddress, tsysOS.OSname, tblAssets.SP, tblNtlog.Eventcode, Case tblNtlog.Eventtype When 1 Then 'Error' When 2 Then 'Warning' When...

Resolved! list computer with antivirus up-to-date

Hi all,I try to create a report that list all computers in my domains and give me the status of the antivirus (up-to-date or not).all reports available don't give me the status...and i don't find how to integrate it in my reports.can you help me?Laur...

LaurentV by Engaged Sweeper II
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