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Forum Posts

Resolved! Query warranty

Hello Lansweeper.I tried to make query warranty with os version included.So I taked standard query from lansweeper and added OS version, last seen and login name.But the problem is now that some device have extended warranty and it show in excel dupl...

jmichiels by Engaged Sweeper III
  • 6 replies
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Resolved! Report Building

I'd like to know if you can build a report from a drilled in view (attached Doc). For example I have a software from a vendor which I can drill into and then filter versions etc. I was hoping the 'New Report' option in the left pane would build a rep...

Resolved! "Borrowed" equipment report

Hi chaps,I'm using the user relational mapping to mark certain floating spares as "borrowed by x".How would I write a report to show me all equipment currently being "borrowed", and by whom?We want to check the status of "borrowed" equipment every fe...

Resolved! Custom Software History report

I've got a software history report (when software was installed or removed for a given PC).The result of the report for a given record is (in this case Google Chrome 38.0.2125.111 was installed, 10/28/2014)The GUI (web page) for History for that asse...

harringg by Champion Sweeper
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Resolved! VMware Vs Physical

Hi, I am looking for a way to easily display VMware Virtual Machines and Physical servers...A simple display like ...-VMware-PhysicalWhich will be hyperlinks to a list of each type.Thanks v much.

Resolved! Camera

Looking for a report to see if a camera is attached to a device. Hopefully there will be a way to separate laptops from desktops.

BrianM by Engaged Sweeper III
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Resolved! Report request

I need to create a report based off the all Servers canned report, that adds in the location, Model, Hyper-v, and custom3 field. I am basing the field names off of the default asset view for a single item in Lansweeper, not sure exactly how they cor...

mastj25 by Engaged Sweeper
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