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Resolved! Mulitple asset locations, IP addresses or AD containers

Hi I'm trying to create a report based on multiple locations, IP addresses or AD OU's.An example would be 'out of warranty' assets in London, Berlin and Moscow only or All assets without an anti virus installed with IP addresses like 192.168.0.% and ...

Clagnuts by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Help with this custom report

[size=9]When I take out the where clause it will not run anymore I get an error when I am trying to update it.[/size] Select Top 1000000 tblLicenses.softwareName As [Software Name], tblLicenses.Priceperlicense As [Unit Price], InUseCount.InUseLicen...

Timg1228 by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Report Showing Security Update KB3008923

I need a report that shows all computers with the Microsoft Security Update KB3008923. This update is known to break CRM products and is affecting one of our apps. I see there is LS built in report for KB963093, I need that same thing but for KB300...

RTI_IT by Champion Sweeper
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Resolved! Hardware reporting

We have a project for replenishing old computers, based on hardware information. We met a strange issue on Processor information, where processor name is: Intel Pentium III Xeon processor & SocketDesignation: is Microprocessor, or Proc 1, Or Proc 2, ...

vargaboti by Engaged Sweeper II
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Lansweeper: IP Locations (All Active)

The report below lists all of your IP Locations defined in Lansweeper. It automatically formats the network start/end into Network shortname as the first column. It can also sort PCI from Non-PCI IP Locations if you have PCI somewhere in the name of ...

sukaitsu by Champion Sweeper
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Resolved! All computers that have AD accounts

Trying to write up a report showing all computer in AD (Active scanning enabled) even if the computer isn't found on the network. I am able to get this information using the Dynamic Groups, but I need a report that only shows PC name, Last Scanned ...