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Forum Posts

Problems seeing, who doesn't have update installed..

We have an application that needs regular updates, and we want to track what PC's have to updates and which ones don't. I have a RegKey setup to be scanned by LS. LS appears to be picking up the RegKey right. Now I want a report that will check if...

lhawk by Engaged Sweeper
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uninstalled software is not getting updated

Hi,I am doing the testing of Lan sweeper, while i un installing the couple of software on one of the system as testing purposs and found this entry is not removing on the console report. pl let me know how to fix.

Gundi by Engaged Sweeper
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Symantec Anit-Virus

What would be the procedure to scan for SAV client and def date. i see you have something like it for F-Secure and AVG, why not sav

jreimer1 by Engaged Sweeper
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Stuck on query for software

This is great software. I wish the report builder had a help tool of some kind in formulating SQL queries.Here is my issue. I created a view of all servers in my domain using the view VIEW1. Now I want to report on all servers in my domain and report...

NetAdminNJ by Engaged Sweeper
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LSrunase script

I am having issues with this string it looks correct but it does not work lsrunase username Domain HGFRjFgV?itGxGfLNot "dsmod group \"CN=Apps,OU=app deployment groups,OU=Groups,OU=Test,OU=Data,OU=Global Test,DC=ad,DC=Tom,DC=com\" -addmbr \"CN=%comput...

SJm by Engaged Sweeper
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tblRegistry woes

Here goes,I'm trying to make a report, I import tblComputers, tblSoftware and tblRegistiry. I got the conditions correct and ran it, and it showed every computer three times. I opened up the tblRegistry and noticed most computers are listed three tim...

Cobra7 by Champion Sweeper
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