Hello, is there a report where I can see the date that a machine updated its Windows version? For example, when it was updated from Windows 10 to Windows 11?
I have this report that finds software installed with specific version numbers. This report works for me but I would like to exclude a static group named "Test". Any help is appreciated.Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetUnique, ...
Since version 9.3, Lansweeper also scans installed Microsoft Store Apps as part of regular Windows software scanning.Scanned Microsoft store software is listed among other software in asset-specific software overviews as well as general software over...
All,Kind of been racking my brains. I am trying to run a report to look for a specific windows service "Carbon Matter" and report if the service exist and what is its current state. If the service does not exist it to report "Not found" in the servi...
Hello, I tried to edit the already persisting Lansweeper report for UPtime of assets to show me only assets starting with the name ipc-schl. I already went through the ones that other community members created but I always get for some reason an erro...
I'm trying to create a report that will tell me what systems have Windows Defender installed as anti-virus and ONLY Windows Defender. I have hundreds of systems that I am moving over from one anti-virus vendor to another. We have many that list bot...
Hi,I have to make a report that brings out all the pc names that do not have the "LMservice" service.How can I do?In this way I can then do a scheduled deployment on the PCs that do not have the service.Thank you!
Hi guys,I need little help with one report and one script, i want to find all pc's with hostname duplicate in my network and if is posible, one script or something else, to change remotly the hostname with my desired name.Thank you in advance.