With this report (v5) the .model column is clickable. Is it possible to make the .AssetName column clickable instead?
SELECT TOP 1000000 tblassets.assetid,
tblassets.assetname AS [ASSET ID],
tsysassettypes.assettypeicon10 AS icon,
tblassetcustom.custom4 AS DESCRIPTION,
tblassetcustom.manufacturer AS MFG,
tblassetcustom.model AS MODEL,
tblassetcustom.barcode AS [AG NUMBER],
tblassetcustom.custom3 AS [ACQ DATE],
tblassetcustom.custom2 AS [ACQ COST],
tblassetcustom.serialnumber AS SN,
tblassetcustom.custom1 AS [PROP HOLDER],
tblassetcustom.location AS LOCATION
FROM tblassets
INNER JOIN tblassetcustom
ON tblassets.assetid = tblassetcustom.assetid
INNER JOIN tsysassettypes
ON tsysassettypes.assettype = tblassets.assettype
WHERE tblassetcustom.state = 1