I probably have overlooked this somewhere, but what SQL code do you need to create a custom report that lists printer names that are clickable links to their detail pages? For example, I'm trying to create a report that will list the printer names in the first column, followed by all the other fields. If I look at Device: Printer Status, that report has the effect I'm looking for. When I build my report in a similar fashion, the displayname is not converted into a clickable link. Here's my code.
Select Top 1000000 tblCustDevices.Displayname, tblCustDevices.Ipaddress, tblCustDevices.Model, tblstate.Statename, tblCustDevices.LastSeen, tblCustDevices.DeviceKey, tblCustDevices.DeviceKey As DeviceKey1 From tblCustDevices Inner Join tblstate On tblCustDevices.State = tblstate.State Inner Join tsysDevicetypes On tsysDevicetypes.ItemType = tblCustDevices.Devicetype Inner Join web40AllIPLocationsDev On tblCustDevices.DeviceKey = web40AllIPLocationsDev.DeviceKey Where tblstate.Statename = 'active' And tblCustDevices.DeviceKey Like '%.%' And tblCustDevices.Devicetype = 16 Order By tblCustDevices.Displayname