Thanks for the Hotfix link.
This is what I was looking for however, the Software History. I found it and built this report from scratch. We are migrating from Symantec Endpoint Protection v11 to SEP v12. This report is showing me when SEP client was installed and which PC's in a given departments have been deployed. I can get this data in the SEP Manager, but this allows for a quick summary report I can put into Excel for management.
Is there some SQL code that will return the tblsoftwarehist.installdate, which is shown as 04/08/2013 00:00:00, as 04/08/2013 in the Web Interface? When I dump the data to Excel, I can quickly convert the field to the proper date format, but would like to know to have in the LS report preformated.
SELECT TOP 1000000 tblassets.assetid,
tsysassettypes.assettypeicon10 AS icon,
FROM tblassets
INNER JOIN tblsoftwarehist
ON tblassets.assetid = tblsoftwarehist.assetid
INNER JOIN tsysassettypes
ON tsysassettypes.assettype = tblassets.assettype
INNER JOIN tblsoftwareuni
ON tblsoftwareuni.softid = tblsoftwarehist.softid
INNER JOIN tblassetcustom
ON tblassets.assetid = tblassetcustom.assetid
WHERE tblsoftwarehist.softwareversion = '12.1.2015.2015'
ORDER BY tblsoftwarehist.installdate
P.S. tblSoftwareHist.Action has a value of 1 for Added and 2 for Removed if you are looking to use that as a filter in your own reports.