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Engaged Sweeper

I have tried to save the report config for getting the Windows 11 requirements and our Lansweeper installation will not save it, we see a popup saying 'loading' and the wheel spins indefinitely.

How do we get around this? 

The report config is enormous and I suspect that is the problem.

Champion Sweeper III

Not sure then. I ran this on my base Windows 10 workstation and also a Windows 11 NUC that I'm setting up, and the report loads, edits and saves fine. Takes about 3 seconds to save from the edit mode. Used FF on Win 10 box and Edge on the Win 11 box.

Maybe a browser setting or add-on blocking it?

Engaged Sweeper

It's the code from Lansweeper's article.Windows 11 Requirements Audit - Lansweeper IT Asset Management

Champion Sweeper III

Ahh, I see. Only thing I got is try rebooting the Lansweeper server/services. In the past that's helped me.

Maybe create a smaller report and build on that to get to the final version?

Can you paste the code here?

Engaged Sweeper

Thank you for the suggestion.  The number in the select statement didn't help, the problem is - Lansweeper never saves the report, I get the circle of death with "loading" waiting for the webpage to simply save the report so I can then try running it.

Champion Sweeper III

Try limiting your Select statement from 1 Million to something smaller and see if that helps.