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Engaged Sweeper II

I am trying to create a custom report based on the snapshots report that will give me a list of the vm running on snapshots but will exclude those running on servers that store replica vms.  I have created a custom asset field called "Is Replica Host" and I have marked all the hosts that contain replicas with 'YES' on these hosts but I cannot figure out how to say use that custom field in the report. As a workout I was able to manually name the replica hosts but this is not ideal. Any suggestions ?

Engaged Sweeper II

problem is that the report is about VMs but the field is question is about the esxi that the VM runs on

Champion Sweeper

Custom fields are stored in tblAssetCustom

Sounds like you need a Where clause added to your report query, something like 

Where tblassetcustom.Custom1 (or whatever field you used) Like 'YES'


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