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‎07-12-2024 11:34 AM
I have created several reports in the Cloud View of Lansweeper, and now I've got 4 additional sites (with more to come later).
Is there a way to manage the reports globally or at least copy/paste them from the Cloud View? The instances are hosted in different cities, and I don't have remote access to the installation (for security reasons, they are not accessible from outside).
‎07-24-2024 10:21 AM
@Tim_N, @Vicente_SC thank you for your replays, I will ask our MSP how we can handle it.
‎07-15-2024 01:56 PM
@Meigor, I 100% agree with @Vicente_SC about having a single site and managing your assets through "Asset Scopes".
I am not aware of your business or license, but one variable around this is if your are an MSP. If you are a Managed Service Provider, you should not combine your customers all into a single site with Asset Scopes, etc. as mentioned. If you are an MSP, please reach out to your "Partner manager" for proper install and configurations.
‎07-15-2024 01:42 PM
Hi @Meigor,
If I understood well, are you creating several Cloud sites to manage installations in different cities? The best way to manage report globally is keep only one cloud site. You can manage the different access to data by using asset scopes: https://community.lansweeper.com/t5/cloud/configure-scopes-permissions-and-roles/ta-p/64512.
For example, if you have 3 on-prem installations in 3 different cities, you can:
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