Hi ,
Not sure what version of Outlook you are using but you could run a script similar to this from - outlook - Registry key to find pst locations? - Stack Overflow , setup a deployment to run on all your assets , saving the data to a shared area , script below saves to desktop??
'****************************Currently attached archives' | Out-File
$Env:UserProfile\Desktop\ArchiveHistory.txt -append
#NOTE: This launches Outlook if it is not already running.
$Outlook = New-Object -Comobject Outlook.Application
$Namespace = $Outlook.GetNamespace('MAPI')
$Mailboxes = $Namespace.Stores | where {$_.ExchangeStoreType -eq 1} | Select-Object DisplayName
$AttachedArchives = $Namespace.Stores | where {$_.ExchangeStoreType -eq 3} | Select-Object DisplayName,FilePath
$MailBoxes | Out-File -FilePath $Env:UserProfile\Desktop\OutlookMailboxes.txt
$AttachedArchives | Out-File -FilePath $Env:UserProfile\Desktop\OutlookAttachedArchives.txt
'****************************Archive History for Office 2007' | Out-File $Env:UserProfile\Desktop\ArchiveHistory.txt -append
get-item HKCU:\software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Catalog | select -expandProperty property | where {$_ -match '.pst$'} | Out-File $Env:UserProfile\Desktop\ArchiveHistory.txt
'****************************Archive History for Office 2010' | Out-File $Env:UserProfile\Desktop\ArchiveHistory.txt -append
get-item HKCU:\software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\Catalog | select -expandProperty property | where {$_ -match '.pst$'} | Out-File $Env:UserProfile\Desktop\ArchiveHistory.txt
'****************************Archive History for Office 2013' | Out-File $Env:UserProfile\Desktop\ArchiveHistory.txt -append
get-item HKCU:\software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Search\Catalog | select -expandProperty property | where {$_ -match '.pst$'} | Out-File $Env:UserProfile\Desktop\ArchiveHistory.txt -append
'****************************Archive History for Office 2016' | Out-File $Env:UserProfile\Desktop\ArchiveHistory.txt -append
get-item HKCU:\software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Search\Catalog | select -expandProperty property | where {$_ -match '.pst$'} | Out-File $Env:UserProfile\Desktop\ArchiveHistory.txt -append