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Engaged Sweeper II

Sorry, first post so please forgive any mistakes!

With powershell i can run this command which shows just the mapped network printers on a users machine.

Get-Printer | where Shared -eq $true

Im trying to figure out how i can get that information into my lansweeper database so i can then report on it.

Im very new to lansweeper (1 week) and ive done a fair bit of custom reporting from it already.

Ive done some research and i cant seem to find this information anywhere? the ability to import information like this on each scan would be useful for other items. or maybe someone could suggest a way that i can find this information in lansweeper as all i can find is some portnames which dont really help me in my quest?

Thanks for help in advance.
Champion Sweeper III
I'm quite new too, unfortunately you cant scan the HKCU Registry so cant scan for the Users printer connections (I don't believe), one option I did think of is if you ran the PowerShell script as a User login script in AD and that data then populated an AD field, you could then gather that data from the AD scan and report on it in Lansweeper ?
Champion Sweeper III

Lansweeper will report on Mapped Printer, I found this post...

Have you seen this post : https://www.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst11249_Mapped-Printers-to-Computer-by-User.aspx#post41938

Andy.S wrote:

Lansweeper will report on Mapped Printer, I found this post...

Have you seen this post : https://www.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst11249_Mapped-Printers-to-Computer-by-User.aspx#post41938

Thanks, this only shows me the shared printers by device, not what the user is mapped too.