This page explains how to scan Apple Mac computers using Lansweeper, and shows where you can find every detail about the scanned Apple computers.
Lansweeper supports scanning of macOS. Scanned macOS data includes disks, network interfaces, memory, model, OS, processor, serial number, software, uptime and more.
Scan an Apple Mac computer
- Make sure you meet the Mac scanning requirements.
- Submit your computer's IP range for scanning by selecting Add Scanning Target in the Scanning > Scanning Targets section of the console. If you have multiple scanning servers, there will be a separate configuration tab for each server. When submitting your range, you will be asked to specify a scanning schedule.
Make sure you do not check the No SSH option when submitting your IP range for scanning. If No SSH is checked, the SSH protocol will not be scanned for machines in the IP range and data returned for your Mac computer will be limited.
- Submit your SSH username and password as a credential in the Scanning > Scanning Credentials section of the web console. You can use the same username and password for all Linux, Unix and Mac computers by editing the Global SSH credential or submit a non-global credential with the Add new Credential button.
- If the credential you set up is not a global credential, map the credential to your computer's IP range by clicking the + Credential button next to the range on the same page.
- Wait for your scanning schedules to trigger or initiate an immediate scan by clicking the Scan now button next to the range under Scanning > Scanning Targets.
- Monitor the progress of your scan request under Scanning > Scanning Queue.
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