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This page introduces the U.S. East (Ohio) cloud instance for Lansweeper Sites, allowing U.S.-based customers to ensure their data stays within U.S. borders. 

This is a private preview with some features still being developed. To access the preview, fill out our registration form.

Lansweeper Sites can now be hosted in the United States, giving you greater control over data residency. By choosing U.S. hosting, your Inventory data will be securely stored in our AWS cloud instance in Ohio (us-east-2).


  • Designed for U.S.-Based, On-premises users: This preview is designed for Lansweeper On-premises users with a specific need for U.S.-based hosting and might not be suitable for you if your organization is only using Lansweeper Sites (cloud platform) with no on-premises installations.
  • System requirements: 
  • Feature availability: Currently, Lansweeper Discovery, Integrations, and APIs are unavailable in the U.S. region. These features are being developed and will be delivered throughout the preview. Once generally available, the same functionality will be available in both regions. 
  • No migration path: You cannot migrate your existing Lansweeper Site from Europe to the U.S. To host your site in the U.S., you must create a new site.
  • Data transiting to EuropeCertain processes, like Credential-free Device Recognition, may still transit data to Europe. For more information, see Data transiting to Europe.
  • Replicated data across regionsEssential data is replicated to maintain service performance and reliability. This data is strictly managed under our data protection protocols. For more information, see Replicated data across regions.


  • Minimum Lansweeper On-premises version: To link to the U.S.-hosted site, Lansweeper On-premises 11.4 or higher is required.
  • Web server access: Review the web server internet requirements for U.S.-hosted sites.
    If it's your first time creating a U.S.-based Lansweeper Site from the Lansweeper On-premises console, you must whitelist when you initially create your site. Once you create the site, you can unlist the URL.

Which region is right for me?

The U.S. East (Ohio) region might be right for you if:

  • You’re based in the United States.
  • Your organization must adhere to specific federal, state, or industry-specific data protection standards that require your inventory data to be stored (or hosted) within the U.S.

If neither of the above points applies to you, the European (Ireland) region might be a better fit.

Create a Lansweeper Site in the U.S.

  1. Create a new Lansweeper Site. You can do this from your Lansweeper Site, or your Lansweeper On-Premises console.
  2. When you’re prompted to pick a name for your site, next to Select data hosting region, select US East (Ohio) from the dropdown.
  3. Continue with the steps to create a new site.

Register and provide feedback

If you haven’t already signed up for this private preview, you can apply through this form.

Once you’ve registered, join the conversation and provide your feedback or ask questions in the comments of this community forum post.

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Version history
Last update:
3 weeks ago
Updated by: