Learn how to manage custom asset data in Lansweeper Sites, including asset states, types, relation types, groups, and custom fields, for seamless integration and transition from Lansweeper On-premises.
This functionality is available only in Lansweeper On-Premises version and newer. If you're using an older version, please
update to the latest release.
Asset states, types, relation types, groups, and custom fields originally created in your Lansweeper On-premises console can be managed in your site, facilitating a smooth transition of your daily operations from Lansweeper On-premises to Lansweeper Sites.
The benefits of enabling this feature are:
- Migrate operations to Lansweeper Sites: By managing custom asset data created in Lansweeper On-premises from your site, you can more easily transition your day-to-day operations to Lansweeper Sites without losing any custom data that you’ve already configured.
- Custom asset data in views and reports: Use custom asset data in your custom views and reports.
- Custom asset data in integrations: Include custom asset data in your integrations for enhanced data management.
- Multiple Lansweeper On-premises installations: If you have multiple Lansweeper On-premises installations, your custom asset data is federated, providing a consolidated view in your site.
On this page:
What Is Custom Asset Data?
Custom asset data includes all manually defined information about your assets, such as:
Requirements & Considerations
- Irreversible enablement: Once enabled, this feature cannot be disabled.
- Review fields before enabling: Ensure your custom asset data fields’ names and details are accurate before enabling. Updates to field names must be made manually in both your site and on-prem installation to stay aligned.
- One-way flow: Updates made in the Lansweeper On-premises console will sync to the Lansweeper Site but not vice versa.
- Permission required: Only site owners can enable this feature.
Manage Custom Fields
Due to the customization options in custom fields, enabling custom fields is done separately from asset states, types, relation types, and groups.
Custom fields federation rules
These rules apply to all installations connected to a site.
- Same Name and Type: Fields with the same name and type will be combined. Radio button lists, combo boxes, and Yes/No values will become a dropdown with all values added as options.
- Same Name, different Type: Fields with the same name but different types will create separate fields.
- Slot ID: The Slot ID is not included in your site.
- Case and character sensitivity: Fields are case-insensitive (e.g., "po" and "PO" are the same) but character-sensitive (e.g., "P.O." and "PO" are different).
Enable the Management of Custom Fields
- Review your custom fields in every Lansweeper On-premises installation connected to your site.
Remember, fields are only updated once upon initial enablement. Any updates you make to your field name or type afterwards will not be reflected in your site, and you’ll have to update both manually.
- In your Lansweeper Site, go to Configuration > Site Settings.
- Go to Manage all custom asset data in your site.
- Select Custom Fields > Enable.
- Confirm whether you’re ready to enable this feature. Remember, once enabled, it can not be disabled.
- Select Enable.
Once complete, a confirmation message appears.
Depending on its complexity, updating custom asset data will take a few minutes. During this time, your inventory might temporarily display inconsistencies. These will automatically resolve once the update is complete.
View, Edit, Delete, or Add Custom Fields
In your Lansweeper Site, go to Inventory > Manage Custom Fields.
Edit the Values of Custom Fields
If you’re planning to manage your inventory from your Lansweeper Site or if you need the values between your site and on-prem installation to be different, you can select the option to Lock against edits from on-prem. If you do NOT lock against on-prem edits, any changes you make to the value of that field in on-prem will overwrite values added in your site.
Any changes you make to your custom fields in your Lansweeper Site will NOT be reflected in your Lansweeper On-premises console.
To update custom field values:
- In your Inventory, find the asset you want to edit from the list and select the asset.
- Select Edit asset.
- Navigate to the section of the field you want to edit.
- Edit the custom fields as needed. If you’re editing custom fields, optionally lock against edits from on-prem.
- Select Save and Exit.
Manage Asset States, Types, Relation Types, and Groups
Asset states, types, relation types, and groups are enabled as one and cannot be individually enabled.
Enable the Management of Asset States, Types, Relation Types, and Groups
- Review your custom data in all Lansweeper On-premises installations connected to your site.
Remember, fields are only updated once upon initial enablement. Any updates you make to your field name or type afterwards will not be reflected in your site, and you’ll have to update both manually.
- In your Lansweeper Site, go to Configuration > Site Settings.
- Go to Manage all custom asset data in your site.
- Select Asset States, Types, Relation Types, Groups > Enable.
- Confirm whether you’re ready to enable this feature. Remember, once enabled, it can not be disabled.
- Select Enable.
Once complete, a confirmation message appears.
Depending on its complexity, updating custom asset data will take a few minutes. During this time, your inventory might temporarily display inconsistencies. These will automatically resolve once the update is complete.
View, Edit, Delete, or Add Asset States, Types, Relation Types, and Groups
- To manage asset states, go to Inventory > Asset States > Manage Asset States.
- To manage asset types, go to Inventory > Asset Types > Manage Asset Types.
- To manage relation types, go to Configuration > Asset Management > Relations > Manage Relations.
- To manage groups, go to Inventory > Asset Groups > Manage Asset Groups.
Edit the values of asset states, types, relation types, and groups
Any changes you make to your custom fields in your Lansweeper Site will NOT be reflected in your Lansweeper On-premises console.
- In Inventory, find and select the asset to edit.
- Select Edit Asset.
- Navigate to the section of the field you want to edit.
- Enter an updated value for that field.
- Select Save and Exit.