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Engaged Sweeper
We upgraded to and are seeing all sorts of "strange" problems. For example:

1. Lansweeper console shows -1 computers found, but lists a couple of hundred being scanned.

2. Dashboard reports not being updates. The Computer:Duplicate SID report, as an example, shows a count of 2. Displaying the report shows 8 computers. Some of the computers in the report list are "phantoms" in that they do not appear on the scanned computer list, do not appear in our AD (which we sync with Lansweeper) and have not been in our network for weeks.

3. When I go to look at the source code for the Computer:Duplicate SID report in the Report Builder, as an example, give me a pop-up error message:
The object " does not exist in database 'lansweeperdb'

Got any clue on where I have gone wrong?


Joe Kwiatkowski
Lansweeper Alumni
Please contact us by e-mail to take a look at the problem (


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