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Engaged Sweeper

For evaluation purpose I have installed lansweeper and notice, that it is not discovering computers in the domain. In the system scanning log I see Unknown error 0x80005000, that in other thread is referenced as Active Directory related thing. While AD and everything from Microsoft is piece of junk by default, I use trouble free smooth and quickly running Novell e-Directory and NT style domain on Samba for win boxes. All linux boxes are discovered without a flaw, but from win boxes, only lansweeper host comp is visible. From documentation I do not understand, what I have configured wrong or this is just lack of certain feature.

This network does not have DNS server, but WINS for internal resolution and proxy for web browsing.

Lansweeper Alumni
If you don't have active directory, you can not use active scanning.

You can use the workgroup scanning feature in version 4.1 and select your samba domain as a workgroup.


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