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Engaged Sweeper
I am testing Lansweeper 5.x and having trouble pulling in computer objects from Active Directory. Active Scan is enabled and an OU filter is set. Under this OU and child OUs, we have a few hundred computer objects. But Active Scan is taking forever to find these objects - 3 assets in 1 hour!! Also, with Active Scan and IP Scan methods both enabled, I began getting duplicate Assets. So I purged all assets and disabled IP scanning. The IP scanning works great, but there are many systems on the same subnets that I do not want to scan/import into Lansweeper.

So a few questions based off the above...

Is there a way to up the interval that Active Scan uses?
Is there a way to do a one-time asset import from Active Directory?
Is there a way to do a one-time asset import from CSV?
What is the best way to avoid duplicate computer assets if using multiple scan methods?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Engaged Sweeper
It worked!! As you suggested, the Scheduled Scan allowed me to specify the ADSI path to an OU and worked perfectly. All objects in the OU were imported and scanned immediately.

Regarding the duplicates, I was using the wrong Netbios domain name under Active Scanning. For whatever reason, the institution I work for uses a different Netbios (Pre-Windows 2000) name than the actual DNS domain name. Once I put the correct Netbios name in under Active Scanning, it began putting them in the right place. I then went back and purged the other objects. Problem solved!

Thanks again for the helpful tips. We will most likely purchase the subscription now.
Lansweeper Alumni
Is there a way to up the interval that Active Scan uses?

No, it will scan machines as soon as they are seen by a domain controller, or all machines seen in the last 14 days if you restart the service
Is there a way to do a one-time asset import from Active Directory?

yes, you can use scheduled scanning with "scan now" to do an import.
Is there a way to do a one-time asset import from CSV?

This will be included in version 5.1 (in development)
What is the best way to avoid duplicate computer assets if using multiple scan methods?

Duplicate's shouldn't occur, can you please send screenshots to


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