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Engaged Sweeper III
I just implemented LS 4.o this week and i am finding that some of my Active Directory users are not showing up in the database.

I was reading this thread:

So i understand that LS picks up the username from the PC and not directly from AD, but i have users who i know are logging into PC's that they use every day and they are not showing up.

I enabled the Refresh AD coumputer and user details on the scam configuration on my active scan yesterday and still no dice.

I am scanning two domains, but there is a two-way trust in place and i have provided domain admin credentials for each of the domains.

Given the the users are logging in I am not sure why i can not see them in the database.

Lansweeper Alumni
Please mail us for this problem (
Engaged Sweeper III
The file version number from the server is
the product version number is also
Lansweeper Alumni
@malbanese: what is the version number of lansweeperservice.exe?
Engaged Sweeper III
Here is what i get when i run that command:

win32_computersystem - Alias not found.
"/?" for help, QUIT to Exit.
wmic:root\cli>path win32_computersystem
AdminPasswordStatus AutomaticManagedPagefile AutomaticResetBootOption AutomaticResetCapability BootOptionOnLimit BootOptionOnWatchDog BootROMSupported BootupState Caption ChassisBootupState CreationClassName CurrentTimeZone DaylightInEffect Description DNSHostName Domain DomainRole EnableDaylightSavingsTime FrontPanelResetStatus InfraredSupported InitialLoadInfo InstallDate KeyboardPasswordStatus LastLoadInfo Manufacturer Model Name NameFormat NetworkServerModeEnabled NumberOfLogicalProcessors NumberOfProcessors OEMLogoBitmap OEMStringArray
PartOfDomain PauseAfterReset PCSystemType PowerManagementCapabilities PowerManagementSupported PowerOnPasswordStatus PowerState PowerSupplyState PrimaryOwnerContact PrimaryOwnerName ResetCapability ResetCount ResetLimit Roles Status SupportContactDescription SystemStartupDelay SystemStartupOptions SystemStartupSetting SystemType ThermalState TotalPhysicalMemory UserName WakeUpType Workgroup
3 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE Normal boot 1060-MXL0051114 3 Win32_ComputerSystem -300 FALSE AT/AT COMPATIBLE 1060-MXL0051114 STAMFORD_NT.CITY 1 TRUE 3 FALSE 3 Hewlett-Packard HP TouchSmart 9100 Business PC 1060-MXL0051114 TRUE 2 1 {"PCBRAND=Pavilion;OS=MSV;DLED;ACPwrFail=Auto;SATA=AHCI;LNG=ABA;Le", "gacyFloppy=No;ALAMO;LegacyFloppy=No;CPUFan=On;##HPCPC=00000000<9", "0000006020000000420000253514130040000010001000;5;:0665<;85>18>1<", "2=1:<55>?4;;=?=19:<8494;>:8011<=31953=?76?>378139;594701:34:;5", "5;9128<7937==0<722<:<1:2489>:088=6:?1;2>8=8>12691>>286:9?;4454>3", "<3>89909>=738375;02951<;>=??2?70>75;04<815:33<20846?312127;?2487", "6>7488457<0;0?39>9;?407;8;8;09>==>231>;?456:100000006;00000000", "002000840515?454=435<49434=22405347594>444?475350210002000000000", "0000000000000000000000000033607=02:8:0365980499:060373><?98>9;;7", "70==?<273;;04><08897<38>64108>;80>063?3681>7<5;;9:35>?1;1<4=28", "76;5<63154>9669432<<33902967:?1307531?758?:;9:65?6?314485::39>=<", "<67634;90719?74;608?622><?91645>6?7=66<0=23799:;4983467=4289;>:=", "93468<3=<86378=?5>74;;6:8;", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""} TRUE -1 1 3 0 3 admin 1 -1 -1 {"LM_Workstation", "LM_Server", "NT"} OK X86-based PC 3 3757232128 STAMFORD_NT\administrator 6
Lansweeper Alumni
When you run "wmic path win32_computersystem" on the system, do you see the username?
Engaged Sweeper III
One or two are Win 7 Pro but most are Win XP sp3
Lansweeper Alumni
Which is the operating system of the computer?
Engaged Sweeper III
I also still have this problem. There are several users that i know are logging in to computers that are not showing up in the database.

Engaged Sweeper
I had already upgraded to 4.1, the problem still exists.


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