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Engaged Sweeper
Is there a way to manually add computers (not a device but computers). I have some machines that for security reasons I won't be able to add to be scanned, but need to keep track of just as I would the rest of the machines I have.

I looked through the db tables to see where this might be stored, but can't seem to locate the right table(s)
Engaged Sweeper III
"Manually entering a new device is possible, there is a link "add new device" for this."

Where is this link, does it exist in 4.1?

Nevermind I found it, it was just at the bottom of my page under all the IP Location stuff, It would be nice if the device summary could be on top of that IP Location list, as that can grow pretty fast for companies that have many subnets and locations;)
Engaged Sweeper III
Where would we add a new device manually. We have several Dell Systems (Tape Devices, SANs, VMware, Linux, and offline systems). I would like to add them manually because when I enter the service tag, we can then monitor Warrenty Status from this single point of view, especially with the automated tool that was created by the community that pulls this information from Dell.

If it is not possible, I will put in a feature request for this.
Lansweeper Alumni
Manually entering a new device is possible, there is a link "add new device" for this.
Lansweeper Alumni
You can try by manually editing table tblcomputers.
There is currently no other way to do this.
Lansweeper wrote:
You can try by manually editing table tblcomputers.
There is currently no other way to do this.

Isn't everything referenced off the IP address? How would one enter a new device? I have several items to hand enter.


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