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Custom File scanning?

I would like to scan to see if a certain profile is on any machines. example I Replaced Jim. I want to delete his profiles off all PCs, I was wondering if i could scan for a folder like this? or if i would have to look for ntuser inside JIM. Either w...

CMCSDIT by Engaged Sweeper
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Missing IP Addresses

Hi,Some days ago did I upgrade to LanSweeper and stared using LSPush.exe and believed everything were fine, but then did one of my fellow coworkers complain - IP Address under Config->Network is blank. The IP address is still displayed in th...

dffe by Engaged Sweeper
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Lansweeper web console

Hi,Just wondering if there is any way to integrate the Lansweeper web console into share point?

estinson by Engaged Sweeper II
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Customizing default.aspx

Hi,Has anyone ever edited the default.aspx homepage to add in anything.I was thinking of starting small like adding a box that lists the stats of the local server (cpu usage..mem..etc) . I also have Whatsup gold running so it would be nice to perhaps...

danielm by Champion Sweeper II
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Custom Report Help

Hello,I would like to create a custom report that shows the followingComputerIP Location Usernames User Logon TimeI created a report using the web40lastlogontop1 view but it seems not all of the users are in the report?If I go to a machine in the LAN...

Hertel by Engaged Sweeper
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Dubble PC on the Network Scan

Hello,i'm testing in evaluation Lansweeper.I have configured a workgroup account and the domain accont too, but when lansweeper start the netscan found a dubble pcs on the net.Example1) DOMAIN\PC1 ( ok )2) \PC1 ( error )The error is : Error: WMI acce...

zio by Engaged Sweeper
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Per User / CAL licensing

Hi,I'm trying to get all our license tracking under control, and was just wondering if there is a way we can manually add license compliance information for "per user" or CAL licensing. An example of this would be Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Ser...

PaulWegs by Engaged Sweeper
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Devices with no open ports

I now notice that since the new version I have a bunch of UKNOWN devices that I was missing before. That is good.Mostly IP phones. I do not know how lansweeper found the Vendor, I assume by doing some general MAC address lookup.This is great, But in ...

danielm by Champion Sweeper II
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