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Champion Sweeper
Are the "devices" in one table in the database?

I'm inventorying our SAN HDDs and have dozens of them, all that's different is the Serial Number. Is there a quicker way to enter the data directly in the SQL DB for these batch entries? I do have AutoComplete turned on in IE, but it's still tedious to create a new item one at a time.

I just added 15 desktop switches one at a time, and would like to do this more efficiently in the future.

Would (could) I do that by using Database Scripts>Load sql script?
Lansweeper Alumni
Device information can be found in:


An example on how to add devices through a script can be seen below. When executed in your configuration console under Lansweeper\Database Scripts, this script will add two devices of the type "SAN" with some rudimentary device information. You can add more fields to this if you wish.

Be cautious when executing scripts. We recommend performing a database backup before making any changes through scripts.

INSERT INTO [tblCustDevices] ([DeviceKey],[Ipaddress],[FirstSeen],[Devicetype],[State],[Displayname])
Values ('\1','',convert(datetime,'03/30/2012'),5,1,'SAN 1')
INSERT INTO [tblCustDevices] ([DeviceKey],[Ipaddress],[FirstSeen],[Devicetype],[State],[Displayname])
Values ('\1','',convert(datetime,'03/31/2012'),5,1,'SAN 2')


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