
This board contains archived posts from the retired Lansweeper Forum and Insiders Community.

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powershell script write-output

Hi,we have a simple powershell script for testing, which is not working.Here is the script:Write-Output "TEST" >> \\ngde-invent\logs$\Printers.txt And the deployment package has just this command:powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "{Package...

Schertle by Engaged Sweeper
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unlock.vbs with runas?

Hello everybody.I am going to run the unlock.vbs with runas.exe as another user but can't get it to work.What I try is something like that:runas.exe /profile /env /user:domain\%username%.admin "cscript.exe {actionpath}unlock.vbs {cn}"Any ideas how to...

JXB by Engaged Sweeper
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Create report on PCI & PCI Express card

Morning,I'm trying to create a report based on PCI & PCI Express cards that are plugged into a machine. I have machines with different types of PCI & PCI Express cards plugged into them and would like a brake down of what each one is.Thanks

oliver87 by Engaged Sweeper
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How to determine if WMI stops running on Windows systems?

Hi all,Fairly new to LanSweeper and so far, it is AWESOME! Once in a while we have a WIndows system that hangs and we're having a hell of a time getting alerts on them. When it happens, we can still ping them, still telnet to 3389 successfully, but y...

User LastLogon-Time column

Could you please extend following report with the "LastLogon" column - so that we can see the last logon time of a user (the last logon server information is not necessary) Select Top 1000000 tblADusers.Username, tblADusers.Firstname, tblADusers.Last...

Software installed on a single computer

I need a report just like "All installed software," but for a single computer rather than all computers.Thanks

cmcginn by Engaged Sweeper
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report to detect OS changes

Hey Lansweeper community,we've run into some issues where people are jumping our locked down bios and installing linux instead of windows. I was wondering if there was a way to get a report for when this change happens?Im assuming we would be able to...

degett by Engaged Sweeper II
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Custom Action - iTunes Update

Hello,i'm new here.I'm trying to make an Installer Package for iTunes updating.The package check the version, if is not the last one, the update process start.I want to add another check before the update process, i want to check if the task is runni...

KayGt3 by Engaged Sweeper
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