Resolved! Printers missing
We had over 300 printers listed in the Asset Type Overview but now only shows 29 after the upgrade to 5.2.Any help would be great.Thanks.
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We had over 300 printers listed in the Asset Type Overview but now only shows 29 after the upgrade to 5.2.Any help would be great.Thanks.
Ever wondered how the PC's in your company stacks up unit against unit? A report using the Windows Experience Index is one way to find out.The Windows Experience Index is a measurement that tells you how well your PC works with Windows and uses a bas...
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You will need shellrunas and pstools to use this action{actionpath}shellrunas.exe /netonly {actionpath}psexec.exe \\{comp...
More info on NBTstat here /K "nbtstat -a {smartname}"
You will need IEHistoryView to use this action{actionpath}iehv.exe -folder "\\{computer}\c$\documents and settings\{username}\Local Settings\History"