HiHow do I place a custom action on the Dashboard ?I want to start a VNC viwer, so that an IT support can enter the IP address or host name on a device. It's for remote controlling devices which are not visible in Lansweeper, eg. Wyse zero clints.Tha...
Our Lansweeper database is now sitting on an instance of Sql Server 2012 Enterprise. As of a few days ago the database transaction log mysteriously shrinks itself to about zero size every evening around 6pm. I don't mean the file itself remains fix...
Hello. I am trying to use LanSweeper top scan my SonicWall NSA 3500 firewall using SSH.I have just updated to the latest version of LanSweeper and I have the fully licesned verison. I added the custom credintals and set those creds ot be used when th...
Hi there,The company I'm working for is running lansweeper and I've made a few queries to show uptime in a nice easy to read format for reports. I'd be interested in finding out how lansweeper calculates up time from the system. Does it get it from t...
I'm running a report that shows me all computer software installed on a group of computers in an IP range. We've had some issues with uTorrents being put on the computers (an unauthorized application) One of these is a server which no one but IT sta...