In our company we changed from Anti-virus software. Previously we used F-Secure and now G-DATA. But when a client that was previously in the "Workstation: All workstations without Anti-virus software (16)" report, and now is updated with antivirus so...
Ok. the update worked. was fast but....1) I found the first start webpage that showed up a bit confusing. Why ask for my credentials if I already had a running system? So I guess it took my creds and put them as Global, but kept the other ones so I h...
Hi there, I'm currently making some report of registry scanning cause we want to verify registry value on our servers for security compliancy.For the momement here is the currently rapport I've created : Select Top 1000000 tblComputers.ComputerUnique...
For some reasons, I can't use any chart report on my dashboard any other tab (including custom tab)When I click on save, it always give me an internal server 500 error.Any idea ?
After upgrading from 4207 to 50, I am no longer to access the Web Console, getting Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage. My server is a Win7 Enterprise Edtn SP1 with a local SQL 2k8 Express db.Help
I just upgraded to from I got a connection error on the database updates but the rest of the updates ran OK. So now the website version and application version are both up to date but the database schema says 18 instead of 19. When...