I interesting about Lansweeper I want to known topic Achitecture of Lansweeper how do work it ?How many use port ? what responsibility of each port ?someone can help me about this question.
Hi therereference number #17559409Would it be possible to provide details of the end users on this possiblerenewal please as we have no reference number #17559409 on our system for"Lansweeper Premium"We do however have a #17559406If you cannot provid...
What does exactily the error "Automatic update service not running" searchs for?I think it looks for "Windows update" service.I have 2 Windows 7 pc's. Both of them are running this service.One of them appears in this report.
We are getting an error message when scanning many PCs after a change we made in in our configuration:The interface is unknown. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706B5) and then the PC name is listed. This error is listed three times, followed by a DCOM ...
Hi!Little confusion about this Lspush GPO.I am placing the Lspush in netlogin folder on my dc.\\Com.net\netlogin\lspush.exethe vbscript is:Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")WshShell.run "\\Com.net\netlogin\lspush.exe lansweeperserver",0wher...
Hi,How to know whether lansweeper is scanning the systems or not..for past few days the active scanning is showing as 0 computers scanned..kindly help..Same data for last one week..