Hi,I have tried to make customizations to Device Overview list. Moved devices from network devices to switches etc. Problem is that these customizations are lost after some time. What is causing this? LS version is
Hi,We're running LS 4.0 here, and I must admit, I have been tweaking it a bit to fit the company. I've only changed things on the custom computer page, commenting out lines that we do not use to register our computers at our company, to avoid the clu...
Hello. I have a some problem with upgrade from to version.Today i download a setup file and try to install it.When i start instalation process i see the message about old lansweeper detected, but UPGRADE option is greyed. So i can o...
Hello,it would be nice, to define in the IP-Range-Scanning that only Machines with special Characters in the Name included in the Scan-process.Sample: i need only to scan Computers beginning with "PC0" in the Name.Thank's!Frank
I have Server systems showing up under Scanned Devices rather than under Scanned Computers. Is there a way to force these systems to register under Scanned Computers?
The sub-select of the above view is wrong (aka missing brackets) Select Top 1000000 tblSerialnumber.Product, tblSerialnumber.ProductKey, Count(tblSerialnumber.SerialID) As Total, TsysSerials.SerialID From dbo.tblCom...