Please can you tell me if there is a report that will show all the computers on our network that have removable disks, or if there isn't is there a way of creating a custom report?Many Thanks
hi there,i'm new to lansweeper and just trying to set up the custom actions. Since the "Remote uninstall" action doesn't work for us this way i wanted to set it up with supercrypt.i copied the "supercrypt.exe" to the "actionpath", generated a lsc-fil...
It would be great if there would be custom fields for the monitor.I need to add "Purchase Date" and "Warranty End Date".And I would like to search for it.When I change the monitor to another users computer the information in the custom fields should ...
Hi,i want to create a report witch includes the chassis type of the computer. So far i have only found that the chassis types are defines in dbo.TsysChassisTypes. but where can i find the the link between that table and the computers?RegardsKevin
It has been a few months since I needed to use the Report Builder so I'm not sure when exactly it stopped working, but I'm thinking it was probably after applying the update. Every time I try to open a report in the report builder, I get th...
Hello,New to Lansweeper, but so far so good, great package...I'm in the process of setting up the License Compliance information, with how many license's we own and costs, etc... But I'm noticing things are listed multiple times... I know it's ...
I have the most current release of LANSweeper running on my Windows Server 2008 R2 server. Periodically svchost.exe crashes resulting in an eventual reboot of the LANSweeper server.I've read the following threads