Hi There,Just want create a simple report in excel where list the computer name and software on themAny help is appreciated!Also can we fine tune this for Microsoft, Autocad?CheersDave
Hello!Is it possible to delegate rights for using Report Builder?I have the need to delegate the rights to create reports on the lansweeper DB byusing a minimum set of rights if possible.Users should be able to logon to report builder and create repo...
Changed the default lansweeperuser password, used SQLexpress management console, also edited the web config file and restarted all services. The Web Console will not start lansweeper user account is locked, Used sqlcmd from cmd prompt to unlock accou...
I have 3 domains on my Dashboard and wanted to remove one. I have opened up the configuartion and removed all the references to that domain but the dashboard still shows the domain. How can I remove it?
hiIm trying to use the report builder to take a list of machines that have "Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007"what i want to see in my report isComputer Name , Software Name, and user name (of the last person to log on to that machine.)heres what i ha...
Greetings!I have 1 problem and 1 question, let's first start with the question:(I.) - QUESTION:In our company we are trying to solve licensing problem. The idea is: we would like to check every several months what is the difference in installed softw...
Hi Morning,Thank you for the help for my previous questions, sorry for having another question yet again. I would like to ask what is the different between the computer scanning results, some of the computers I've scanned are in red and some are blue...