
This board contains archived posts from the retired Lansweeper Forum and Insiders Community.

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Delete Old Users and Computers

I am trying to create a scheduled task to delete computers and users that havent been seen within the last 30 days.looked in the tblComputers and found the lastseen field and it looked very simple, but then is there all the other tables where a compu...

dffe by Engaged Sweeper
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Trigger scan on Action Screen

When I go to the action screen of a computer and click on trigger scan, does it scan everything on that computer OR does it only scan what is scheduled to scan under other words if I have the bios set to be scanned every 30 days an...

bungargp by Engaged Sweeper
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Add Device Type

Hi, I really like the new version 4, it's much better than 3.5 but I would like to add a new device type. I would like to keep my mobile/smartphones also regisitered in lansweeper. How can I add the a device type Mobilephone or Smartphone? Or can it ...

gjburg by Engaged Sweeper
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Trigger scan on new client

Hello,I'd like to request a way to trigger scans on new clients w/o using active scanning. We currently use a login script w/ lsclient to gather new computers, but this misses a number of computers on our network that are configured to autologon to ...

wgknowles by Engaged Sweeper II
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Report Duplicate Office Installation Reports by OU

SELECT * FROM(SELECT distinct tblComputers.Computername, tblComputers.UsernameFROM tblComputers, tblADComputers, tblSoftwareWHERE tblADComputers.Computername = tblComputers.ComputernameAND tblSoftware.ComputerName = tblADComputers.ComputernameAND tbl...

KHabershon by Engaged Sweeper II
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Troubleshooting guide missing?

3/12 betaWhen I click on the Errors tab on a computer with errors, below the list of errors is a link that reads "Find solutions to common problems in the troubleshooting guide" which links to ...

sebouh by Engaged Sweeper
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IE History

Is there anyway that this version will support browser history pulling?

UMTH by Engaged Sweeper
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where to install lansweeper

Hi All I was reading windowsITpro where I came across lansweeper it was highly recommend. So i download a trail I have a question where does this have to be installed? It wants iis and active directory the only place I have these installed is the dom...

jwc1972 by Engaged Sweeper
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