Is there any possible way to have Lansweeper detect which PC's have missing drivers?Even if the report is something as simple as Yes/No so that we can log on and check manually etc.
I go this query which generates a report of all assets with Windows and Linux, with IP. for some reason it shows duplicates on some of the assets. Can you help how to remove duplicates. Thanks,Select Top 100000 tsysIPLocations.IPLocation, tblAsset...
Hello, Team, I need to have a report that gives me all assets where is present a specific AD.The best, should be, match this information with the group where the user in configurated (Administrator, Remote Desktop User, ecc..)Thx in advance
I am trying to create an inventory report by school building. I have a report that is by IP Location but I also need it to check an additional IP location and only check the first part of the asset name which is DMB and add to the inventory report.I...