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Asset custom field values of your assets

The report below lists your assets and their asset custom field values. Info on configuring and adding data to asset custom fields can be found in this knowledge base article.Keep in mind that:Asset custom fields retain their original Custom1-Custom2...

Susan_A by Lansweeper Alumni
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Custom outgoing e-mail templates

It would be nice to see a more customisable outgoing e-mail template feature such as:- The ability to have the entire ticket content as a smart tag/field- Filters on conditions, for example, ticket creation e-mail to agents for tickets logged on webs...

Obtain Color Print Counters

Hello! I know there are others who have made the same request, but some years have passed and I want to know if Lansweeper have this feature implemented. We're configuring our Lansweeper to monitor and display many printers from our local dependencie...

Default reports - not matching on username and userdomain

Could the default reports that any joins on tblADusers (by username) be updated to join on BOTH username and userdomain. We now have multiple domains with the same username in our environment and it is causing duplication of assets in the reports.If ...

ghelpdesk by Champion Sweeper
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Deployment Step to Run Other Deployment

I (and many others) have been requesting this for years. I am wondering if there has been any internal talk about this? For me (and others) I have packages for departments and labs. Some of the software takes 1-5 steps and I have 3-10 packages tha...

sullivane by Champion Sweeper III
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Terminal Servers (role installed, not necessarily configured)

Report will show servers with TS role installed but not necessarily configured (empty 'Value' field).*Requires configuring scan of RegPaths- 'HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\TermService\Parameters\LicenseServers' and Value 'SpecifiedLicenseSer...

MikW by Engaged Sweeper II
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list of all root users on Linux systems

Good morning to all.I would have a question to ask: I need to have a report with all users with a "root" profile in our Linux systems.For Windows systems I have already extracted, taking very useful indications in the forum, a similar report for user...

ced by Engaged Sweeper
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Report missing Registry Folder QualityCompat

Hi guys,I hope somebody can help me out.I'm looking for a report that lists all assets which are missing the following registry folder:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\QualityCompatI'm not looking for specific keys or valu...

thomasb82 by Engaged Sweeper
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