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lstrigger for update purpose only or can collect new computer information?

Can we use (lstrigger "servername" "computer" "domain") to collect information of a new computer or it is only used for updating information of computers that have already collected in lansweeper database.information of a new computer needs to be col...

joebow by Engaged Sweeper
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Custom information on Action Screen

Is there any way to add a few additional fields to the action screen for a computer?For example, at the moment it shows model, memory, os, clockspeed etc at a glance, but I would like to add IP address to this screen.I have looked through the it-comp...

workshop by Engaged Sweeper
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LanSweeper 3.1 service listener and httpcfg.exe

Probably not a common problem, but in debugging a new LanSweeper 3.1 installation, I discovered that the LanSweeper service is a client of the HTTP API of Windows 2003.The pre-existing IIS is also a HTTP API client which is only available on the loop...

Lansweeper not recognizing Windows 2003 R2

Hello,we just installed the latest Lansweeper (3.1) as a test, and noticed that it does not make a difference between Windows Server 2003 and the R2 versions. As we would like to keep track of installed licenses of the various Windows flavours, this ...

mats by Engaged Sweeper
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HTTP 500 Erreur (Web Console)

Hello,I have followed the installation document step by step. All running well except the web console.Please help me.Some details in french (sorry i'm french) :

Styze by Engaged Sweeper
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Lansweeper and SQL

Good afternoon,My company is looking at using this solution, but what is the impact to SQL? Is the SQL Database large or quite small? Any answers would be greatly appreciated.

grundy651 by Engaged Sweeper
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Error.txt: Cannot write to a closed TextWriter

Seeing the error very often. Service crashes often also (like every 5-10 mins in morning when users are logging on).-------------------------------------------------------------------------5/21/2008 8:15:29 AMSystem.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot wr...

joegasper by Engaged Sweeper
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SQL Native Client - adding "Driver={SQL Native Client}; fails

Will the web portion of Lansweeper handle using the SQL Native Client driver (SQL 2005) for the database connection? The main Lansweeper page will display but only the top "toolbars", no links to the various dashboard queries.

joegasper by Engaged Sweeper
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