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Engaged Sweeper

I'm trying to download Lansweeper service but it doesn't allow me. When I write the domain administrator it says me that logon failure: username or bad password.
What am I suposed to write here? Why it doesn't allow me to write what I want? (I put Windows authentication before)

Thank you.
Engaged Sweeper
But when I first installed the freeware version it were enabled... and now they aren't, after a while using them.
So there is no option but buying it to try?

Thanks again.
Lansweeper Alumni
vmw2 wrote:

I'm trying to download Lansweeper service but it doesn't allow me. When I write the domain administrator it says me that logon failure: username or bad password.
What am I suposed to write here? Why it doesn't allow me to write what I want? (I put Windows authentication before)

You need to write EHE\administrator and the password.
Engaged Sweeper II
I'm afraid i don't know - i'm by no means an expert myself.

I would take at guess at that being a difference between the trial and bought version but, TBH, we bought it without trialling it so i don't whether thats likely or not.

I suggest you open a new forum topic with a subject\title relating to this new problem, so that somebody that does know is more likely to see it and be able to help.
Engaged Sweeper
Do you know why I haven't the rescan and full rescan options? And other options are also disable... As active scanning, workgroup scanning...
Lansweeper Alumni
vmw2 wrote:
Do you know why I haven't the rescan and full rescan options? And other options are also disable... As active scanning, workgroup scanning...

These options are disabled in the freeware version.
Engaged Sweeper
Thanks now it allows me!
Engaged Sweeper II
In the username box you need to type the domain and username in the format DOMAIN\Username or username@domain.

It looks like you are trying to enter the SQL admin details.

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