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Champion Sweeper
I am having a little problem. The Lansweeper service won't start. I try to manually start it in the services.msc but get the following message:
Could not start the Lansweeper Server service on Local Computer
Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly

Now, I had to change the name of the machine this is installed on. I did go into the config files ("web.config" and "Lansweeperservice.exe.config") and change the source name to the correct machine name, and things were working, for a bit anyway (at least they seemed to be). Is there another config file I need to edit or should I make arrangements to rename this machine what it was?
Champion Sweeper
Nevermind, I got it! My in-house sql guy showed me the correct syntax for the script. It is working again. Thanks again for your help! 🙂
Champion Sweeper
Wait, I see what you're saying. In the "Database Scripts" section. Ok, I pasted that info in there then clicked "Execute sql script", but it replies that the name of the server I put in is an "Invalid column name". Does the servername belong in quotes or no quotes? I am unfamiliar with SQL scripts, please be specific. Thanks for your help!
Champion Sweeper
Run what script?
Lansweeper Alumni
Go into the configuration tool and run following script:

Replace 'yourserver' by the name of the new lansweeper scanning server.

update tsysasservers set servername='yourserver'

restart the lansweeper service and configuration tool.


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