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Engaged Sweeper

I'm managing groups of servers and workstations in various different remote sites around the UK. I only have limited access to these sites currently such as remote control, Web and SNMP. Because of this limited access, I have to install lansweeper in each site. I can access the lansweeper web page from any of the sites, but was wondering if there is any possible way to collect data from each lansweeper installation and display it in a 'centralised' web page. That is to collect data through a web protocol rather than through the lansweeper protocol?

Does anyone have any idea how to make this possible?
Engaged Sweeper
The problem is I don't manage the various networks, only a few servers in each network. So getting the right access to every site(60+) will be problematic.

I also have many servers with the same name...
I'm going to try with a centralised DB however and see what results I get.

Lansweeper Alumni
What you could do:

Set up a a lansweeper service in each site.
Let all services connect to a central database (over vpn, ...)

This will do the trick. (only be carefull if you have multiple computers with the same name)


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