Hi, I am trying to configure your software on my server. Due to our network design I cannot run the software on the same server as the database but in the config file I changed the ip address from localhost to the address of the sql server. Here is the file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- User application and configured property settings go here.-->
<!-- Example: <add key="settingName" value="settingValue"/> -->
<add key="ConnectionString" value="integrated security=SSPI;data source="";persist security info=False;initial catalog=Lansweeper" />
<add key="ConnectionString" value="data source="";persist security info=True;initial catalog=Lansweeper;user id=lsuser;password=Eawu7iSd" />
<add key="ConcurrentThreads" value="20" />
Thanks in advance for the help.