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Engaged Sweeper
Hello again,

Since this is my third post today and I just registered today, I'll take a break after this 🙂

I think lansweeper is a really good product, but I would like to get the full use out of the free version
before I try to pitch purchasing the Pro upgrade. It's definitely more than affordable; however, given the current
status of the economy...

It seems that you need to have the management GUI (Pro version) to make certain changes. I was wondering if I can make
some of those same changes without that, since I don't plan to use the tools that come with the product. For example, I would
like to change the scan interval and maybe be able to delete computers that are old. I can probably delete the computers from
the database directly if I can't do it through the web console.

Anyway, I suspect that the management GUI, in some cases is just writing values to the lansweeper32.conf file.
So I figured I will post the one I have (free version) and hopefully someone who has the Pro version will post theirs
to compare.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<add key="ConnectionString" value="Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=MYSERVER;Initial Catalog=Lansweeper32;User ID=XXXXX;Password=XXXXXX*"/>
<add key="ConcurrentThreads" value="20"/>
<add key="ListenPort" value="9524"/>

If this isn't is the file to make the changes to in order to modify the scan interval and whatnot, can someone point me in the right direction.
I'll check the registry now actually.


Engaged Sweeper
Thank you.

When I was reading the instructions the screen shots all said Pro so I assumed it was
a feature that isn't included in the free version.

That what happens when you assume.
Lansweeper Alumni
The management console (lsmanage.exe) is accessible in the free version.
You should be able to start it from the start menu.


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