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Engaged Sweeper

We have the Enterprise Version of Lansweeper.

I am having a problem with sending reports, there is a thread of the problem in Old/Solved forum but there are no details of how this was fixed.

I set up a Mail Group with an email address. Tick several reports, enter the group for each one.

When I "Mail Selected Reports Now", only one report is ever sent. Even if I tick 2 or more reports to be sent to a group only one of the reports is ever sent.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Engaged Sweeper
I only installed the application on this system a few days ago, so it is showing as version 4.2.90 in the errorlog:
09/07/2012 08:21:32: Started v4.2.0.90 by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, port 9524, 10

(although the status bar in the application states '')

The problem appears to be a delay when updating the report database tables on our system.

I set up 4 reports to run today but when I clicked 'Mail Selected Reports Now' but they didn't all email.

I tried to send them again 10 minutes later and all 4 reports ran.

I'll keep an eye on this and let you know if I run into any strange problems with scheduled emails.

Thanks for your help.
Lansweeper Alumni
Jscruby wrote:
(although the status bar in the application states '')

This is the version number of the configuration console. Various Lansweeper components (database, service, website, configuration console) have their own version numbers. So it is expected behavior for these numbers not to match.

Jscruby wrote:
I'll keep an eye on this and let you know if I run into any strange problems with scheduled emails.

If the problem persists, please enable debugging as outlined in our previous post and send us a copy of the new Errorlog.txt that is generated. The log will contain entries for when the reports were sent.
Lansweeper Alumni
Before we troubleshoot further, could you update to our very latest Lansweeper version. Update instructions can be found on page 103 and beyond of our online documentation.

If the problem persists after the update, please do the following to help us troubleshoot:
• Stop the Lansweeper service.
• Delete the Errorlog.txt found in Program Files\Lansweeper\Service.
• In the Lansweeperservice.exe.config file set debug to “1”. You can find this file in Program Files\Lansweeper\Service.
• Restart the Lansweeper service.
• Hit the "Mail selected reports now" button in the Lansweeper configuration console under Scanning Servers\Your Server.

Contact us at afterwards and provide us with the following:
• For easy reference, a link to this forum thread.
• A copy of the new Errorlog.txt that was generated.
Engaged Sweeper
I've attached a screenshot (Error.jpg) of the Report settings (Test group is just my email address).

Both reports have results (over 100 entries per report).
The one email I received was the Laptops report (second one ticked).

As a seperate email problem, when I tried to send reports to a group with more than one email address contained it didn't sent them at all. I just entered the emails as the Example suggested (see attached Error2.jpg, this is just an example I had valid email address when I tried this on my system).

Engaged Sweeper
Yes they all have results.

I can send the reports Individually (untick all but the one I want to send, then sent selected).

It just doesn't send more than one report when several are ticked.
Lansweeper Alumni
Do all reports have results? Empty reports are not mailed.