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Engaged Sweeper II
I am preparing to cutover to the Lansweeper HelpDesk and have been importing tickets from my old system (Track-IT!). During the initial import of several thousand tickets, all appeared to go well; the system was monitored directly for about another hour and no issues were detected.

However about 4 hours later, an email storm occurred with email notifications being transmitted to users for the imported tickets, including those which were already marked as "Closed". (Yes, I have notifications configured for Closed tickets.) Since then, I have disabled the outgoing mail server to prevent outbound notifications and continued with my imports. To date, I have over 15,000 tickets imported.

I would like to know if it is possible to "flush" any pending notifications prior to our final cutover to prevent the possibility of another email storm to our users. The email server is via GMail. The problem first occurred under v6.0.0.48. We are currently running v6.0.051.



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