I'm totally new in this software and everything that has to do with it.
I know very little about SQL Server, IIS and LanSweeper.
I'm an intern at a company that asked me to install a software like LanSweeper, and liked very much what I read about it, so I decided to try it.
The thing is that I've installed it in a "Windows XP Professional SP3" (the only computer available to test it). Also in this computer I have a SQL Server 2008 (not express) and the IIS as well.
I've followed the step-by-step installation tutorial, and finished installing. Tested the "Checking if the service is running" and got exactly what was showing on the tutorial:
Congratulations, your lansweeper service is running
Total computers processed: 0
In queue 0 In process 0 Threads running 0
Now what I'm having trouble is trying to access the web inteface. There is an error page and I really don't know what it means, since I configured everything like was said to do in the tutorial.
I've attached the image of the error.
I'd really like a help from you. If any other information is needed please let me know. It might be a really dumb error, but since I know very very little about all this, I really don't know the meaning.
Another thing is that I've run the lsclient.exe on some computers, but when I try to see them at the LanSweeper Management Console, they all appear in red with no information (except mine that has all the information needed).
I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but I've run the LanSweeper Connection test and got everything "OK".
Thanx in advance for your time