Hi,Simply we want to customize the setting options and then make the package with parameters below:1- Language: English2- Disable system monitoring 3- Disable active monitoring.Thank yours in advance
When reviewing assets in Lansweeper for a refresh cycle, I need to be able to:1. Separate what's on the base image vs user specific2. Mass download software lists for many assetsAny suggestions?Thank you
Hi,There is possbile in the helpdesk config to set permission on ticket state for the user of our organization?For exemple, I've some ticket state:- Open- In progress- Closed- Shipping- IT taskIf a user create a ticket, he can only choose "Closed" bu...
Hello,I've got this report that shows the last windows update installed which is great as it works for server 2016 (the registry key method doesnt exist on server 2016):
Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, tsysOS.OSname, tbl...
Hello,I am planning to remove an OLD DNS server, this server is currently a Secondary DNS lookup. Is there a way to run a report in Lansweeper to define what DNS servers are being used? So we can go in and change them?Or if there is a better way to f...
I was wondering if anyone is able to scan a Linux machine and get back the virtual that are on a specific NIC. I am able to get the physical NIC addresses, but not the virtuals.
I have been attempting to make a push from Lansweeper using a batch file. I am successful with installing silently with no interaction with both the exectuable and the msi. But I get the following error message when I attempt to push it from Lansweep...