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Engaged Sweeper II
we have the problem, that ~200 clients share the same hostname. I think, this is the problem, why lansweeper cannot identify all of these clients. We tryed active scanning and also lspush, with the same effect.
Is there a way to identify clients through IP?
Lansweeper Alumni
If you scan a machine, rename it in Lansweeper and then scan another machine of the same name, Lansweeper will create a new database entry for the new machine under the "correct" name. You won't be able to rescan your original machine however, because its Lansweeper name does not match its actual name.
Engaged Sweeper II
is it possible, to lock objects?
for example:
I scan computers, rename for lansweeper and lock computer for not being modified on next scan?
Lansweeper Alumni
When available, MAC addresses are used as unique identifiers for devices (printers, routers...), but not computers. We've tried this approach for computers in the past, but it was not 100% reliable.
Lansweeper Alumni
You can scan one machine, but if you scan another the original machine's entry will be updated/overwritten, because Lansweeper considers it to be the same machine. The only option is to rename the machines themselves.
Lansweeper Alumni
Lansweeper uses the combination domain name\computer name as a computer identifier, so this combination must be unique, regardless of which scanning method you're using. There is no way around this.
Engaged Sweeper II
Lansweeper wrote:
Lansweeper uses the combination domain name\computer name as a computer identifier, so this combination must be unique, regardless of which scanning method you're using. There is no way around this.

Why do you use this combination for identification? - A MAC-Address would be unique, as long it is not spoofed/changed manually
Engaged Sweeper II
Lansweeper wrote:
Lansweeper uses the combination domain name\computer name as a computer identifier, so this combination must be unique, regardless of which scanning method you're using. There is no way around this.

so there is no way to identify the clients? - these clients are embedded systems, installed with image


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