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Champion Sweeper
For the last week or so it doesn't look like Lansweeper is updating.

The total number of machines isn't increasing (and I know there are new machines being installed)

And all the scans for hardware / software / users etc are not updating.

It shows the last seen time correctly - but software scans, for example are set to "0" to update each time the user logs on - but this date is not updating.

Also - using the Premium tools I do a trigger scan and then all the dates against the scan items disappear and go red!

Nothing obvious in the log file either.

Any ideas...?
Champion Sweeper
I have tried several options for this.

I moved from the initial 10 to 50 to 100 and now have it set to 1000!!!!

We have a large estate and most logon occur in the morning - I had hoped by increasing the concurrency it would help the queues that build in the morning.

LS is running on a very powerful server - so using 100 concurrent threads shouldn't be too much for it!
Lansweeper Alumni
How many concurrent threads are you running?
Champion Sweeper
OK - I have more of idea of the problem.

It would seem that I get an error in the Server event log which then stops the Lansweeper Service. I have the service to auto restart, but then it would seem something gets stuck!

As now if I go to http://servername:9524 I don't have anything in the queue and no threads listed as running, but 174 items "In process". Yet this number doesn't appear to change. The Total processes appears to go up very quickly though - almost as though devices are registering with Lansweeper, but no scan is being performed as the queue is stuck.

If I trigger a scan on a device - the machine doesn't appear in the list anywhere either nor does the information update.

Question is - why is this happening and other than a reboot - what will get it going again properly - as it seems the service is running - but "stuck" somehow with these 174 items in process which it can't shift.

The event log in Windows Event Viewer is

EventType clr20r3, P1 lansweeper31.exe, P2 3.2.3160.19571, P3 48b79d61, P4 mscorlib, P5, P6 471ebc5b, P7 2976, P8 6a, P9 system.argumentoutofrange, P10 NIL.

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Champion Sweeper
Service appeared to be running and the "last seen" field was changing regularly on the front screen and the service error logged looked ok!

Something must have been stuck somewhere, I agree.
Lansweeper Alumni
ccdesktop wrote:
For the last week or so it doesn't look like Lansweeper is updating.

The total number of machines isn't increasing (and I know there are new machines being installed)

And all the scans for hardware / software / users etc are not updating.

It shows the last seen time correctly - but software scans, for example are set to "0" to update each time the user logs on - but this date is not updating.

Also - using the Premium tools I do a trigger scan and then all the dates against the scan items disappear and go red!

Nothing obvious in the log file either.

Any ideas...?

Did you check if your service was still running at the time of the problem?
You could also check to see if your queue is full for some reason.

When you do a "lstrigger", all information is deleted first and then refreshed, that's why the scan items appear in red first.
Champion Sweeper
I rebooted the server and it seems ok now.

Any ideas what would stop the updating - and if so how can I resolve in the future without a reboot?


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